Building Up Our Community

We, as a united community, are called to build a safe and encouraging environment where everyone feels valued and included. Our mission is not just a theoretical ideal, but a practical call to action, inspired by the enduring themes found in various aspects of our culture and faith. It is a collective responsibility that we all share, a mission that binds us together. In the movie Field of Dreams,’ building a baseball stadium symbolizes reconnecting with family and heroes from the past. This act of creation and restoration speaks to a deep human desire to bridge gaps between generations and honor those who came before us. It is a powerful metaphor for the importance of connection and legacy. However, while reconnecting with the past holds significant value, our primary focus must be on connecting with our community in the present. Our mission is to build God’s kingdom here and now, sharing the gospel with those around us. The past can inform and inspire us, but it is in the present that we act, live, and make a difference.

We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 3 For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.” 4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. 

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ro 15:1–7.

As followers of Christ, we are called to bear the failings of the weak, please our neighbors, and live in harmony. This call to empathy and unity is central to glorifying God and building our community. By supporting one another and working together, we create a stronger, more resilient community that reflects God’s love and compassion. The church, as a safe haven and support system, plays a fundamental role in our lives. This role is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who welcomed and ministered to the marginalized and brokenhearted. As the body of Christ, the church is called to continue this mission by being a place of refuge and assistance for all who seek it. Life is filled with challenges and uncertainties, and many people seek solace and guidance during difficult times. The church, with its peaceful sanctuary, supportive community activities, and personal prayer and meditation, should be a place where individuals can find peace and comfort, a place that reassures and supports them in their journey.

We must build a community where everyone feels safe and encouraged, regardless of background. In this inclusive environment, people can experience God’s love firsthand. By fostering a sense of belonging and support, we help individuals grow in their faith and contribute to the greater good of the community. God’s love and hope are present in our community; we are called to serve and spread that love. This means actively reaching out to those in need, offering support, and sharing the gospel message. Our actions should reflect the unconditional love and grace that God has shown us.

We are tasked with building a safe place where people can feel God’s love and hope. This involves creating an environment where the gospel message is shared openly and freely. We help build up the community and spread the good news of God’s kingdom. God sent Jesus to die for our sins so that we can share the gospel message and spread God’s love to the world. This ultimate act of love and sacrifice is the cornerstone of our faith and the driving force behind our mission. By sharing this message, we invite others to experience the transformative power of God’s love.

It is not enough to create a safe haven within the church; we must also go out into the world to share the gospel message and build up the community. By actively engaging with those around us, we extend God’s love and hope beyond the walls of the church, making a tangible difference in the lives of others. We are called to build a community where everyone feels safe and encouraged. By spreading God’s love and hope, sharing the gospel, and supporting one another, we create a vibrant and thriving community that reflects the glory of God’s kingdom. Let us embrace this mission with open hearts and minds, working together to build a better, more compassionate world.

Published by JRMITCH85

I am often asked what describes you, which is a hard answer because sometimes I move in a thousand different directions. Some call me an engineer, others call me pastor, a few call me captain, some call me friend, others call me dad, and one calls me sweetheart. All of these things are descriptors and are accurate, but they don't fully capture me. My favorite place is in the mountains, enjoying the beauty of nature and God's creation, running and hiking around with my family and friends, and taking photos to cement the memories. However, the people that know me the best know that my favorite thing to do is come up with crazy adventures that push the limits of what our minds and bodies can do. My faith in God is important to me and drives me to look at creation the way I do. Because of my faith, I look at these adventures and running races from Half Marathons all the way to 50-mile races, as well as several Obstacle Course Races, as an opportunity to push the body God gave me as an act of worship. Hopefully, someday soon, I look toward running longer races and bigger adventures. My hope is that humanity can understand that the wild is a gift, and we need to care for it and quit destroying it by the way we live.

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